- 2019-01-16
The Government of Mongolia adopted the ‘Mongolian Export’ program in September 2018. Within the framework of the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), International Trade Centre (ITC) and Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) are developing the Mongolian Trade and Investment Roadmap. At the first national meeting held in October 2018, the parties discussed the issues of foreign trade of Mongolia, investment sector, value-added chain, supply capacity, cross-sectoral linkage and competitiveness of export products. Through an exchange of views on the solution of the issues, the roadmap for the Mongolian Trade and Investment and action plan were drafted. In order to finalize the roadmap and action plan, the second national consultative meeting was organized with the support of World Bank’s Export Development Project at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the meeting, the ITC presented the roadmap development process, priority sectors and selection methodologies, as well as discussed the action plan for the Mongolian Trade and Investment Roadmap based on the recommendations made by public and private sectors and research institutions.